Македонски Shqip By filling the form you agree to sign the Declaration of the National initiative for open science cloud nosci.mk BY SIGNING THIS DECLARATION FOR OPEN SCIENCE AND RESEARCH IN THE CLOUD, THE SIGNEE AGREES TO ACT ACCORDING TO THE VISION OF OPEN SCIENCE THROUGH Supporting the principles and practices of open science and research and their integration into its own strategies, as well as daily activities in accordance with its specific features - as open as possible, as close as necessary. Supporting and spreading the principles and practices for open science and research within the members of its organization in order to define mutual goals and behavior policies. Actively participate in the national initiative for open science cloud Name *Lastname *e-mail address *Institution *0 / 100Објавување на податоциI agree that my data (except the email) should be published in the list of signatures of the DeclarationGDPR *I agree with the privacy policy SubmitPlease do not fill in this field.